Strategic Planning
Where are we? And where do we want to go? How?
It is always these simple questions that form the basis of Strategic Planning.
The Strategic Planning process has specific characteristics, which form part of a series of elements that lead to the organizations’ strategic activity.
Core concepts such as organizational strategies, means and objectives, planning, strategy levels and decision making - are presented and related to the Strategic Planning process.
Strategic planning is a process from which is determined, which products and / or services the company will offer, which market segments to reach and the geographic dimension of its performance.
The applied methodology, in the accomplishment of this type of project, is once again of scientific base, in the methods and techniques, it presupposes a participatory process that involves all levels of the organization management with the HDL team.
Companies can not do without strategic planning. There are many topics that need to be planned, coordinated and monitored simultaneously, it becomes necessary to take a systematic approach to significantly increase the odds of success.
The size of the company is not included here, since small and medium-sized companies only benefit from the adoption of formal management tools and processes, where management planning and control is done not only by their manager.
When we talk about Strategic Planning, we should stop to proceed with a Strategy Reflection and thus observe the precise and most obvious features of management, using intuition and creativity, in order to elaborate new ideas and design interventions based on new learnings.
Through the specialty and the specificity of each company it is possible to define a specific strategy, starting from the general direction, involving the organization as a whole, to anticipate and guide action.
These studies present very relevant information, in a basic logic of where they are today and where they intend to go, that as we deepen the study unfolds in a multiplicity of factors.
The notion of strategy encompasses the new factors of economic reality where the company is faced with a diversity of needs, competitive pressure, scarce resources, and accelerated change pace.
In fact, the definition of strategies allows to reinforce internal awareness about the targets to be achieved and the coherence of the behavior of the organization's employees.
Strategic Reflection Studies seek to integrate individual motivations into a common logic, not only producing conversations but also guiding behaviors, attitudes and decisions around a common goal of the organization: to survive / grow by creating more value than its competitors.