Marketing Plan
The basis of a Marketing Plan, is composed by the combination of instruments that make the Marketing Mix, in its most simplified version, meaning the strategies at the Product, Price, Distribution and Communication levels, that should be put together , coordinated and complemented, in such a way, so as to allow them to achieve the aimed objectives.
Having into consideration that all decisions in terms of strategies of Marketing Mix, must be defined in relation to the proposed objectives, it is imperative to start establishing those very same objectives and for that purpose, it is also necessary to know and analyse beforehand the market, the competition and the organisation in itself.
This ensemble of analyses and planning activities, achieve the Marketing plan, which by itself constitutes a performance guideline for the company’s business strategy development.
The Marketing Plan presupposes the development, in order to put into practice the concept of marketing; starting from the idea originated from the Marketing, for the action that allows to achieve that idea - The Marketing Plan. Both start from the identification of consumers needs and lead us to a more effective and efficient exchange relationship.
A company’s marketing strategy definition, corresponds to all the specific action developed, in order to achieve the objectives. These strategies, try to develop competitive sustainable advantages in relation to products, trade marks, markets, resources or capacities, that may be understood as such, by the potential clients and will also allow to achieve the foreseen objectives.
Where are we?
Where do we want to go?
How to get there?
In this planning strategic process, is not a question of planning the future, but indeed the present actions, taking into consideration as to how they may influence the future. The objective is to maintain the company adapted in an ideal and continuous form in relation to their best opportunities, analysing its involvement and changes, taking advantage to the maximum the internal resources that give it an advantage in relation to the competition and also will allow it to anticipate and answer the market changes, the competition, the culture, etc.
Which are the priorities?
Which are the changes?
Which are the tendencies?
And what about seasonality?
Questions which the Marketing Plan should answer and guide the companies, in terms of their performance.