Market Studies

In order to create the marketing strategies, it is fundamental to know and understand the market​.

Which is the potential market​?


Which segments should we be directed to​?


Which products/services are necessary and required by the market​?


Why, how, where and when do they buy?


Which is the degree of client’s satisfaction​?


What are the trends​?


This data may exist and therefore it is essential to investigate , sum up  and analyse.


In any case, there exists data that should be obtained for the first time, carrying out, by way of various methodologies and technical manners to achieve its acquirement, registration and analysis.


It a question of figuring out an information system for the company, with data that, upon being analysed adequately, may result into an information content, useful to carry out the marketing decisions.


It is fundamentally an attentive investigation, using therefore, scientific techniques (qualified and quantitative) in order to identify and resolve problems of marketing.


What fundamentally defines the business investigation which we implement, is the scientific character of its methodology and usefulness of the ends we pursue and are hereby resumed in 3 pillars:


  • Make available information that will help to understand the market(s) and its context(s)​
  • Identify, problems and opportunities​
  • Develop and evaluate alternative courses of action​.


The information significance, is the great objective, as it must be useful to identify and solve marketing problems.


These investigations, frequently cross themselves with studies referred to in the area of Studies & Strategy of HDL - Business Building, since there always exists a perspective and a complementary angle in the approach in our commitment within each solution.

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