Digital Marketing

We have drawn out a plan of action, in order to guide the trade mark before its public, through all the digital channels, being the social media, content or others.


We do help the trade marks to define a presence strategy outline with the necessary vitality, in order to position itself in the market before their aimed public.


Digital Marketing is the solution, in order to show their presence in internet in a supported strategic manner, so as to be able to measure the results. A website in itself, is no longer sufficient to attract, convince, acquire and maintain a relationship with their clients.


The work itself ,always starts by an auditing action to all its presence online, including: Social Networks , Websites, E-mail Marketing and SEO amongst others.


Having been carried out this initial auditing, verify as to their present situation, in relation to what is required  for the future, and also define as to way to apply the strategies an solutions  required to achieve the objectives.


Frequent situations:

  • Your site does not appear in Google?
  • Does your site generate the expected added values?
  • Do you have a site unable to manage the contents?
  • Does your site have visits, but the clients do not contact you?
  • How many and what is the of  origin your site visits?
  • Do you publicize in Google / Facebook, without actual results?
  • In what Social Networks should you be present?


Various services made available by us In Digital Marketing 

  • Design
  • Websites
  • Shops Online
  • Publicity Online
  • SEO
  • Social Networks
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Photography

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