Conference Management
To develop and add value to, at national and international levels the entrepreneurial and scientific activity, involves the communication with partners. The contribution towards that effect is the organisation of conferences, workshops, seminars and all kinds of other activities, providing same are well carried out, leaving a strong brand and making the “meeting” unforgettable.
In order for your event to be carried out with quality, HDL – Business Building, proposes a service “key in hand” being able to help you , from the candidateship up to the event conclusion and its valuation.
In this area, HDL – Business Building, renders the following services:
Before the Event:
- Candidateship–financial supports
- Enrolments management
- Space areas selection
- Promotional materials - Merchandising
- Event publicity
- Graphic production
- Lodgement and transport for the guests
- Audiovisual means
- Exhibitor space area
During the event:
- Welcome Desk
- Protocol
- Catering Service
- Visual memory
- Logistic co-ordination during the event
- Social program:
- Welcome Reception
- Gala Dinner
- Social happenings
- Accompanying parties Tours
After the Event:
- Participants final balance opinion
- Restitution of exceeding materials for reutilisation
- Report with information regarding the event, based on the statistic inquiries relating to the report of satisfaction
- Support in the elaboration of financial reports