Communication Plan
The Communication Plan, should follow the established strategy defined in the Marketing Plan, so that the Communication Strategy may contribute for the proposed objectives achievement.
The Communication Strategy, must follow a logic of Integrated Market Communication – a manner that uses all the communication tools in order to pass the message to their target-public with the intended impact. These tools combination must be carried out in a ,coherent and consistent manner and combines the most adequate tools in each and every case. And has the aim to communicate in a clear and understandable manner the company’s value proposal, in other words “what” the company its products and services ,has to offer to their target public.
It should give an answer to the following questions:
Who communicates?
What is communicated?
To whom is communicated?
How is communicated?
The communication tools may go through:
- Direct Sale/direct prospection
- Promotional Actions
- Direct Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Publicity
- Communication Counselling
- Public Relations and Events
The creativeness in the communication tools usage, in its form and content, is the great challenge in communication, where the consumer is ever more bombarded with permanent communication proposals.
The most effective solutions of communication, are frequently based in their approach simplicity. The usage of new communication tools is a constant challenge as well as the creativity in the usage of more traditional tools, aiming at furnishing extra added value to the communication solution.