Privacy Policy

The European Union General Ruling in relation to data Protection 2016/679 GDPR),enters into force  as from 25th of May 2018.  It aims to assure  individual people protection in relation to the personal data processing   as a fundamental right , CL22 – Gestão de Informática , Lda. herby informs you  its Privacy Policy.


In CL22 – Gestão de Informática, Lda. , we honour  your privacy and hereby thank you for the  trust you confide in our company. Taking into consideration the maximum respect for your privacy right ,we would like to carry on sending you information relating to our products , plans and services ,needing for such effect  to acquire from you  the express consent towards that effect .


Your data  shall be processed by HDL – Business Building , which is  a commercial brand name  belonging to CL22 – Gestão Informática , Lda. , tax payer nº 510 546 684 , with its head office at Avenida D. Afonso Henriques nº 1196 ssla 305 4450-012 Matosinhos. This company  shall be responsible  for the handling  of personal data  in line with the General Regulation  relating to Data Protection.




1. CL22 – Gestão Informática, Lda, hereby commits itself to  respect and adopt procedures and technology measures , to protect  its Clients privacy as well  as their website and application users, including their products and services, having developed  the present Privacy Policy  with the sole aim to  prove its full commitment  and respect for the personal  data protection ruling .


2. Any information is considered Personal data , regardless of its  nature and independently from its respective support, in relation to a independent person duly indentified or to be identified.


3. The personal data is acquired whenever such consent  by respective titleholder , and the personal data available by himself  implying the knowledge  and the respective conditions  acceptance contained in this Private Policy , being that ,  when making available its personal data, the User  is authorizing  its gathering , usage and  divulgement of same , in accordance with the  defined ruling in the instruments of gathering applicable.


4. The gathered personal data is to be used  by CL22 – Gestão Informática, Lda., which can be  also used , when authorized by the titleholder , for statistic purposes  and in promotions  and actions of direct marketing.


5. The responsible entity for the acquirement  and personal data handling  , is a commercial trade mark  HDL – Business Building which is part of  CL22 Gestão Informática, Lda


6. The computerized management  of gathered data by HDL- Business Building is made  under  and in accordance with  Law nº 67/98 of  26th of October , relating to the Personal Data Protection  ruling.


7. With the assessment and revision  of  GDPR in every four years as from 25th of May of 2020. CL22 – Gestão Informática . Lda., reserves the right  to alter the present  Privacy Policy  at any time  that may be necessary  for legal reasons of its up dating, so and in order to  adopt and continue  to fulfil the GDPR. Any alterations , shall be published  in this Privacy Policy and the material alterations  shall be applicable to the activities and data acquired in the future.


8. In accordance with the Data Protection Law, the Client or User, may contact CL22 – Gestão Informática Lda., in the event of any doubt  regarding the Privacy Policy or to withdraw  its consent  in relation to the present handling  without compromising  the carried out treatment in accordance with the law, based on the consent  in itself. Being so  always and when the data treatment is based in the titleholder consent, in other words, necessary for the commitment effects of the exercise of specific rights attained by the entity in charge  for the handling or the data titleholder  and if it may exist legitimate interests  followed by the responsible party for the handling or by third parties .


9. The Client or User , in a titleholder capacity of the actual personal data, has the right  to request , through the contacts  mentioned bellow  and in the foreseen terms  in the applicable Law, the access  to the personal data  pertaining to him;  the personal data rectified  that may be incorrect  or incomplete ; the erasure of personal data ; the personal data total or partial  limitation of handling ; the right to oppose the treatment  and the right to personal data portability, in a structured form or the current use  and automatic reading.


Should you consider that the GDPR has been violated , you can present a complaint to  a control authority


CL22 – Gestão Informática, Lda
Avenida D. Afonso Henriques, nº 1196 – sala 305
4450-012 Matosinhos
Telephone: +351 229 350 201

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